If you are up very early you will hear an incredible avian orchestra from the mountains behind us.

The Lambert Rivulet winds its way down Mount Nelson from the Signal Station through the bush reserves behind us and under the playing fields next door to the Derwent River.

Yachts are synonymous with Tasmania and two of our finest Yacht Clubs are on the Rivulet’s doorstep.

Long Beach. Hard to believe but in the early days this was where the horse racing was held.

Long Beach is overlooked by the Alexandra Battery built in the 1880’s to defend Hobart.

Short Beach is always active with dogs, boats, kayaks, rowing shells and …rainbows.

Sandy Bay Rivulet which empties into Short Beach is another rivulet flowing through the suburb.

Fitzroy gardens is a tranquil park above Sandy Bay village. While it is beautiful all year it is magnificent in the autumn.

Historic Battery Point overlooks Sandy Bay.

The playing fields next door are home to all ages whether playing a variety of sports, exercising or dog walking.